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Editing Customers

In this tutorial I am going show you how to add different settings for your customers.

  • To begin click on the menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by back office, customers and then customers again.
  • Once the page has loaded, search for the customer you wish to edit by their customer code or by their name.
  • When you have selected your customer, you then get the opportunity to choose additional settings.
  • Within the PROFILE tab you have many options to choose from, one of which is placing the customer on STOP. This means that the customer’s loyalty card, once scanned, will notify the worker that there is some sort of issue or limitation associated with that card. (This is typically done when customer’s cards have gone over their expiry date).
  • You also have the option to add a customer to a specific group. [Please view ‘Customer Groups’ for more information].
  • You can then select a price level offset for that specific customer. This price will then correspond to the price level that you have created whilst setting the price levels for your products on the products screen. [Please view “Add A New Product” for more information].
  • Once you have selected the price level offset, you can then set a command for the ‘Follow On Key’. The ‘Follow On Key’ allows for you to set a command for a customer that will automatically occur every time that customer’s card is scanned.
  • You are then given the option to select a loyalty discount. This allows for you to set a fixed discount for that customer.
  • The final option is to select if emails are going to be sent to that customer. This is selected by typing in either a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’.
  • The last piece of information required is the card number that corresponds to the loyalty card that is assigned to that customer.
  • The ‘date created’ text will be imported once the customer has been successfully created.
  • The next tab along allows for you to add comments regarding your customers.
  • The loyalty point’s tab allows for you to view the loyalty points that are connected to that customers account.
  • The fourth tab across allows you to select allowances for your customer. In this tab you have the option to give the customer a set weekly amount of points that can be spent in store. Their points are connected to the customer’s loyalty card. You also have the option to view how many points they have used on a daily basis.
  • The final tab allows for your input of miscellaneous information including the customer’s birthdays and wedding anniversary. It also allows for you to track all of the transactions that have taken place for the entire duration of their membership.
  • Once you are happy with all of this information simply click ‘save customer’.
start/backoffice/customers/customer/editing_customers.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/21 16:21 by Kane