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Operator Sales By PLU

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to search for operator sales through a specific PLU code.

To begin click on the menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by reports, followed by sales, followed by operator and then followed by operator sales by PLU.

Once on the page you then need to select a date range by entering a start (date from) and end (date to) date.

After you have selected your dates you then need to search for your product. To do this you can either search for the product with its specific PLU code or you can search the product name/description where it will then inform you of that items PLU code.

Once you have searched for the product a new table will then appear showing you the dates, the operator names, the quantity sold of the product and the total price they have received.

You are also given the option to save the information as an Excel spreadsheet or as a PDF file for printing or for physical use at a later stage.

start/reports/sales/operator/operator_sales_by_plu.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/18 13:38 by