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Open Price

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create an Open Price option.

The Open Price option is typically used for deli style services as it incorporates the products code and the price in the barcode.

To begin click on the Menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by Back Office, followed by Products and then followed by Open Price.

Once you are on this screen you then need to click the first empty box entitled ‘prefix’. Within this box the standard prefix is set to be two numbers. The prefix refers to the code that identifies what the product is.

The second box entitled ‘price length’ is generally five numbers and refers to the price of the item that is being purchased.

When these two sets on numbers come together, the scanner is able to tell what the item is as well as how much it is going to cost.

Once you have filled out both boxes you then need to click ‘add’ and your information will be saved.

If you wish to edit this information simply refresh your page, complete your changes and select ‘update’.

start/backoffice/products/open_price.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/21 12:28 by Kane