====== Goods In with Serial Numbers ====== The ability to import an excel file of serial numbers to then be allocated to an order as part of the Goods In process is as follows. ====== Dispatch ====== * Now that the products have been dispatched, they can now be received by the other branch. {{:start:stock:dispatched.png|}} * Selecting this open will take you to the 'Goods In' page to complete the order. {{:start:stock:goodsin:example_goods_in_screen.png|}} * You can see in this example that two of the goods being received need to have serial numbers assigned. * The serial numbers can either be entered one at a time or using the serial import process. * When you click on the green Serial Import option the following screen will appear {{:start:stock:goodsin:import_serial_numbers_into_goods_in.png|}} * Please note that if a serial number had not been pre loaded or does not match a serial number in the system a message will appear alerting you to this. {{:start:stock:issue_with_import_message.png|}} You can download the template below to start creating your import file {{ :start:stock:picking_serial_number_format_sample.zip |}} The format of the file you create must be saved as a csv and the columns in the file are as follows. No header line Column A is the PLU or Product number you have created in your product file. Column B is the serial number (Maximum character length has been set at 30) Example Excel Format that would be saved as a csv format. {{:start:stock:example_excel_file_format_for_picking_an_order.png|}} ====== There are 3 parts in the serial numbers process. ====== Part 1: Serial Number Creation (https://wiki.cloudposhq.com/doku.php/start:utilities:serial_number_import) Part 2: Stock Picking (https://wiki.cloudposhq.com/doku.php/start:stock:stock_order_status#picking_with_serial_numbers) Part 3: Goods In (As Shown in this section) If any of these steps are missed, then the rest of the system will not work correctly