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Gift Card Report

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to view your Gift Card Report information.

To begin click on the menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by reports, followed by gift cards and then followed by Gift Card Reports.

Once your screen has loaded you will be presented with information regarding gift cards that have been distributed to your customers. Within this table you will be given the information for; the card number, date of card issue, expiry date, days remaining to spend, the value of the card, the operator name that finalized the transaction and finally the status of the card (redeemed, active, not active or expired).

At the top of the screen you are also given the option to view the inactive cards. To do this simply click on the box entitled “ Show Inactive Cards”.

You are also given the option to save the information as an Excel spreadsheet or as a PDF file for printing or for physical use at a later stage.

start/reports/giftcard/giftcardreport.1442547789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/18 13:43 by