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Tender Analysis

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create and view a tender analysis.

To begin click on the Menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by Reports, Financial and then Tender Analysis.

Once this screen has loaded you will then see the tender analysis screen. On this screen you have the option to specialize the information that you wish to view.

The first way to specialize the information is to select the Branch(s) that you wish to analyse. Branch From To.

The second way to specialize the information is to select the Terminal(s) that you wish to analyse. Terminals From To.

The third way you can specialize the information is to select a Date Range that you wish to analyse. Date Range From To.

The forth and final way you can specialize the information is to select the Types of Tenders you would like to analyse. To do this simply check or un-check the tender options that are needed. For example Cash, Eftpos, Gift Cards & Delivery.

Once you have specialized your settings simply select the search button. This will then bring up the analysis information from your selection.

For easy access there is an option to print off your analysis as a PDF file. To do this simply select the option “Print PDF” and your file will begin to download. From here simply open the file and print.

You are also given the option to save the information as an Excel spreadsheet for use at a later stage.

start/reports/financial/tenderanalysis.1535502374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/29 10:26 by Emma