====== Account Debtors NAB Export ====== ===== Rules ===== * No back office transactions are included * Only handle POS sale and refunds – No account payments or adjustments * Account needs a comment with exp ie: “1123 1124 1145 1474 exp 12/25” or “1123 1124 1145 1474 exp Dec 25” * **This string is cleaned by** * Removing all spaces, dashes and slashes * Convert three letter month names to two digit values * Break card number and expiry by the word ‘EXP’ (case insensitive) ===== Notes ===== With the above rules, we would have two lines in the output file for this account {{:start:reports:financial:nab_export.png|}} As we can see from the audit trail – technically we should not be exporting anything for this customer as at the end of the 21st, we have nothing owing (but as per our rules, now this will be run daily and payments wouldn’t exist at that point in the system, we would be exporting the two lines) {{:start:reports:financial:nab_export_audit.png|}}