{{indexmenu_n>3}} ====== Deleting An Operator ====== In this tutorial I am going to show you how to delete an operator from your system. If you require more information regarding the creation of the editing operators please view the following videos entitled [[start:backoffice:system:operators:adding_an_operator]] and/or [[start:backoffice:system:operators:editing_an_operator]] To begin, click on the Menu button located in the top left hand corner of your screen, followed by Back Office, followed by Systems and then followed by Operators. Once this screen has loaded you then need to select the branch to which your operator belongs. From selecting your branch, you then need to search for your operator from the drop down box entitled “select operator.” Before you can delete the operator you need to ensure that you have unchecked the boxes entitled “active operator” and “display button.” After you have unchecked these boxes you then need to select save. After you have saved your changes you then need to initiate an export. To do this simply click on the Menu button, followed by Branch Admin and then followed by Export Data. Once this screen has loaded you then need to complete a full transfer. To do this scroll down to the bottom of your page and select the circle entitled “full transfer.” This then allows for you to select the options that you wish to export to your till. From here you need to select the “operators” option and then select export. You will be informed when your export has been completed. After you have exported your operator changes you then need to return to your operator screen via the Back Office. Once back on your operator screen, you need to begin your search process again. Begin by selecting the branch that your operator belongs to and then locate your operator. Once your operator settings have loaded you then select delete. You will then be presented with a number of warning windows, the first asking if you have deactivated your operator and run an export. As we have just completed this process you can then select “yes”. Your next warning screen is to tell you that you will no longer be able to report on this operator and that continuing will start the process of deleting the selected operator. Given that you are trying to run this process, select "yes". From here your final warning window will pop up informing you that your operator has been successfully removed from your [[http://www.cloudhq4.com/|CloudHQ]] system. At the bottom of this warning window you will also notice that it informs you that the operator then requires manual removal from your till. To complete the removal of your operator you then need to run your POSwise software. From here you need to complete an import (for further information please view tutorial entitled [[start:branch_admin:import_data]]). Once you have completed your import you then need to access your Back Office through CloudHQ Portal. Once logged in, simply click the Menu, Back Office, Systems and then lastly, Operators. Once on your operators screen you then need to search for the operator that you wish to delete either by typing in their name or by searching for them using the drop down menu. After locating your operator, simply select delete located on the right hand side of your screen and then select confirm. After you have completed this process your operator will be successfully deleted from your system.