Button Definitions

Sub-Total - Perform a sub-total on the current transaction.

Product Code - Enter the product code and then press this button to sell that product.

Sign On/Off - Return to the sign on screen.

*Operator - n*operator, direct operator sign on button.

Quantity (X) - Enter the total number of a particular item being sold.

Clear - Clear figures or text in Text/ Function entry box.

Refund - Refund either an Item or an amount.

All Refund - Refund all the items in the current transaction.

Layaway - Put the current transaction on hold until a later time.

Void - Void a particular item in the current transaction.

Void Last - Void the last item on the current transaction.

Void All - Void all items in the current transactions.

No Sale - Open the cash draw (if present) to perform a no sale.

Receipt - Print a copy of the last receipt given or print a receipt for the current transaction.

Consolidate - Add quantities of identical items in the current transaction.

Freetext - Enter Freetext to put on receipt or to be sent to kitchen printer.

Split Bill - Split the bill by selecting the particular items in the sale

Discount - Enter Discount Mode.

Percentage - Discount the last item by a percentage. (Used in conjunction with

Discount Mode.)

Amount - Sell the last item for a discounted price of your choice. (Used in conjunction with Discount Mode.)

Off - Take a particular amount off the last Item in sale.

Paid In - Pay money into the till. I.e. float or deposit.

Paid Out - Pay money out of the till. i.e. Window cleaner or wages.

Price Change - Function to alter price of a pre fixed priced product

Temporary changes will only effect the current price change, even if update master pricing is enabled - this allows for a price change to be made on a case by case basis, but also allow for main stock file to be updated when enabling the update master price back office setting

Additional flags:
/W - For weighable items
/WT - Weighable temporary change
/L - Select items
/LT - Select items temporary change
/T - Temporary change only

Customer - Call up Customer Details. (For loyalty points)

Reports - Enter Reports Mode (see Reports Mode).

End Of Day - Print an End Of Day report whilst in sales mode.

Current Sales - Print a Current Sales report whilst in sales mode

Back-Office - Enter Back-Office.

EFT Recall - Recall any suspended EFT Transactions.

Booking Planner - Enter the Booking Planner in which you can create and open tables into sales mode.

Product Maint - Takes you to the product maintenance screen.

Goods Inward - Brings up the Goods Inwards screen (Back office) within sales mode to allow stock to be allocated into the stock file without needing to go into back office.

Serial Tracking - Brings up the Serial Tracking facility within Sales mode.

Review - Review all current transactions made on either that machine or through out the network.

Product Search - Search for product by PLU/ SKU, description, catalogue no. Brings up selection box to select product.

Product Enquiry - Select product and bring up information about the product. Information displayed is defined in product enquiry module under Utilities- System Settings.

Product Picture - If a picture is associated and tagged to a product, display the picture of the product.

Validate Last Sale - Print time, date, total, receipt no., operator on slip printer on last sale.

VAT Change - For items selected change the standard VAT rate to a defined VAT rate change.

A4 Request Print Bill on A4.

Select VAT Change - For item selected change to different VAT rate via system set VAT rate table.

Deposit Taken - Deposit taken without booking. (NOT ON 8.1.0 and above See DEPOSITS)

Back Space - Emulates the back space function on a keyboard

Tender 1 – 12 - The particular tenders, as set up in Tenders (See Tenders).


??? Exchange - Hotcode for any exchange key or direct foreign exchange key.

Account Sale - Put the current transaction to an existing account.

Account Payment - Make payment towards a particular account.

Account Status - Provides account status via account number.

1*Charge – 25*Charge - Open the number of the corresponding charge sheet you want.

1* Charge Free - 25 - Activates charge sheets selection page displaying free tables only.

N/1 Charge - Programming to take Operators directly into the a specific charge number within a specific charge sheet.

Post Charges - The post charge button allows you to use such functions as the booking system. When a charge sheet is open in sales mode and there are items in the sales screen, press this button to save the current sales data to that particular area of the charge sheet (whether it is a table or a room). There must be a charge sheet open to use this button.

Transfer Bill - Transfer the details on screen to another charge sheet allocation or within the same charge sheet.

Covers - Change cover No’s on a Subtotal sale screen.

Default Screen - Returns you to your Default Screen. (See Setup)

Run Import - Run import form defined in system settings manually

Screen Names - These names are the different screens that you can configure for the sales mode. (See Screen Titles)

Product button: nnnn* nnnn = PLU code. Example: 001* = Sell PLU code within sales mode To sell a Plu at another price level, put the price level after the command. E.g. 001*L3, L3 = Price Level 3

Menu button: n*MENU n = menu number. This function will display the contents of the define menu. The menu display will automatically size the menu buttons to fill the screen and will take the colour scheme from the original button. On pressing a menu option the system will return to the sales mode screen.

Persistent Menu: n*MENU/P n = menu number. As MENU function above, but the menu will remain and display insert a count to the text display. The menu will remain until the ABORT option is pressed.

Department button: n*DEPART n = Department code. As MENU function above, but will display all the products within a department to a maximum of 64 items. The system will return to sales mode on selecting a product.

Persistent n*DEPART/P n = Department code.

Department: As PERSISTENT MENU function above, but will display all the products within a department to a maximum of 64 items.

Predefined mmmm*TENDER#n mmmm = Tender

Tenders: amount in pence. n = Tender number. (Example: 500*TENDER#1 = £5.00 Cash, if tender 1 is defined as cash)

Selling a n*Recipe n being the number you gave the recipe “Recipe Setup”.

0 – 9 Numeric buttons 0 - 9

ACCOUNT ORDERS Allows direct access to account orders from sales screen

PRICE OFFSET 0 – 5 Price level 1 – 5 where 0 = 1 and 5 = price level 6

PRICE OFFSET 0 – 5 /P This means the price set will remain for the sale.

PRICE OFFSET Sets the Price level back to the default set in your system

DEFAULT options.

RESTARTP A new Keycode that allows Printers to be restarted in Sales

Mode after they've been disabled (for whatever reason)

BRANCH ENQUIRY You can load a file from into a table called “branch_enquiry.DBF” using ODBC links or an import routine (Please contact your reseller for more details). Once loaded as part of start or end of day routines, you are able to look at other branch stock levels.

GO DUTCH A Go Dutch facility so you can split a bill by the number of covers and not the items sold.

PRODUCT SEARCH This allows a product search only on items with positive STOCK stock.

SELECT DISCOUNT Able to select what items within a sale would be applicable to the discount you are going to give.

ALLDISCOUNT Able to select all items to be discounted if this button is pressed prior to entering your discount percentage or amount.

n*MOD If you have a unit of sale set as “HALF” (n = description set for unit of sale) you can then set a HALF button on the keyboard as “HALF*MOD” . This will then sell the next item you scan or button you press with a plu set at that unit of sale and price level it corresponds to.

SALES COMMISSION This allows you to associate your current sale to an operators commission figures.

PRICE If you have a PLU number that you always want to be at an open price, you can set the button as n*PRICE where n= the PLU number that you have set-up in the product maintenance module.

EXPORT This will print the words “EXPORT SALE” in large FONT below the header and changes the product price used to the ex-vat price. The word EXPORT will be displayed on the operator screen. Only if you print receipt after every sale as standard. A4 receipt does not work at this time.

CUSTOMER + BOOKING Allows you direct access to the booking screen where you can link a booking to the customer database.

HOURLY REPORT Able to view on screen and then print if needed the hourly report.

COMMISSION REPORT Able to view on screen and then print if needed the sales commission report.

OPEN REFUND This acts like a General refund in old till speak. When you have registered all your items, you may then want to give an amount off the sub-total. This button allow you to do just that. We would not advise you to use “Open Refund” unless you have no other choice. Our standard “Refund” and “Discount” are designed to be functional in most cases. “Open Refund” is only there for the rare instances that you cannot use a “Refund” or “Discount” for whatever reason.

QUANTITY LAST This allows you to change the quantity on the item you have just sold. Example if you sell 4 product codes 1234 using the standard Quantity (X) button and then decide you wanted to sell a different number, you need simple press the new quantity that could be less or more than what you just entered and press the quantity last button.

ALL QUANTITY (X) This allows you to change the quantity on all items in the current sale to a new value. This value could be less or more than the original.

DEFAULT SCREEN This takes the sales screen back to the screen you have set as your default within the system settings.

GIFT This function allows you to print a Gift receipt that has all the item description but no costs.

ERROR CORRECT A screen like the VOID screen will appear if you select this function. You are then able to correct one item anywhere in that sale.

POST CHARGES/TP When using the Table Planner, this button is needed to post the sale away. Acts just like the Post Charge button.

n*OPEN TABLE Where n= the charge sheet number. This function is needed to access the Table Planner module.

PRODUCT PICTURE/N - Same as PRODUCT PICTURE but forces a picture to be shown even if one doesn’t exist.

*CHARGE-FREE - Shows open Free (non-busy) Charge Sheets

LAST PRODUCT ENQUIRY – Runs a Product Enquiry on the Last Product Sold

ENDOFSHIFT - This allows multiple end of shifts per operator and then consolidates the declared figures on the end of day report..

ACCOUNTSLOYALTY - This allows the loyalty points to be displayed with option to print when using loyalty points associated to accounts module.

RUN*{PROGRAM.EXE} – This allows to call another program from within the software. A good example would be RUN*osk.exe would call up an on screen keyboard as and when needed.

QUIT – This button will allow your to exit the software without having to go into the back office.

“CHARGE SHEET REPORT” this allows you to select and print the unpaid charge sheets from sales mode. Version 8 ONLY

“<PLU>*PLU/S” This allows the actual stock quantity to be displayed on the sales button and update real time as used. (I.e. 01001*PLU/S) Version 8 ONLY

“SENDMESSAGE” this allows for the new messaging feature to be used. Version 8 ONLY

'TRANSFER BILL/TP' This version of TRANSFER BILL uses Table Planner data and will only show tables that have been set-up within Table Planner.

‘*DEPART/A’ option that puts the Departments in Alpha order on the screen.

‘*DEPART/A/P’ option that puts the Departments in Alpha order and leave the list on the screen until you select EXIT on the screen.

‘ALLDISCOUNT100*P ‘A’ or ‘O’ option will attribute 100% discount to the sale. It will list the discount reason codes for you to select. Where ‘100’ is the percentage rate or amount if set to an ‘A’ or amount off if set to an ‘O’

‘ALLDISCOUNT100*P1 to apply the discount function with the reason 1 (in other words: choose reason 1 automatically)or ALLDISCOUNT100*P2 to apply the discount function with the reason 2. The same rule apply with other reasons.

C&PLAYAWAY Chip and Pin Layaway for use of a Thyron unit. Needed when using charge sheets in the software

AWAY you can now have a button that will send the word AWAY to the remote printer of your choice. Example:- If the Kitchen printer is remote 2 and you want to open up a table and send the word AWAY for that table to the kitchen printer, you et up a button called “2*AWAY”

DEPOSITS As with Bookings and Account/Customer Orders, a Customer or Account needs to be associated with the Sale in order for a Deposit to be taken (as all Deposits are associated with either a Customer or Account).

STOCKENQUIRY-LOCATION This allows you to search for stock and view the results by location.

CLOCK-IN Operator will sign on when they get into work and then press the

CLOCK IN button.

CLOCK-OUT When the operator has completed the shift or the day, press the CLOCK OUT button

ETOPUP Used with the Etop and itunes module

EVOUCHER Used with the Etop and itunes module

EFT RECALL Used with the Etop and itunes module

SEAT You can now set up a charge sheet to use seat numbers. You then tell the charge sheet how many seats are in the sheet (Room, Restaurant) and when you press the SEAT button it tells you how many have been used and more importantly how many are free.

COURSE When using the remote sales viewer you can sell your items across any range of items (So you could sell mains as starters and vice versa) and using this COURSE button you can assign them all as one course for the kitchen to prepare.

CHARGE-NEW With the new button you have you can now open up the next free Charge Sheet. To use this button you must make sure that 'Auto Delete' is off for the Charge Sheet to be used otherwise once a sale if finished it will use it again. When this button is pressed it takes the operator to the reference screen where you would make Ref 1 compulsory as using the new Button checks the reference lines. Should the charge sheets all be full then a message will appear, therefore we recommend setting the number of sheets to a large figure, or doing more than 1 EOD per day. When the order goes through if the new setting 'Print Charge Sheet Reference lines on Remote Printers?' is set to YES, at the bottom will be the various Reference lines. When an EOD is done if the option 'Reset Charge Sheet Reference Lines on EOD' is set to YES then all of the stored references will be cleared off ready for a new day. This function is also part of a dry cleaning system.

ACCOUNTSBALANCE Displays the balance of an account in sales mode and gives you the option to print a statement on the receipt printer there and then.

ETOPUP-MSISDN (Spanish Etopup)

ETOPUP-COUNTIRES (needed for International Etopup)

TRANSACTION REFUND Allows you to refund an entire transaction. Like the old General Refund button. Please be aware that using this function

DRYCLEANING-PICKUP used as part of a dry cleaning system

*RMINS- We have added a new Sales Mode command that allows Operators to send Instructions to the Remote Printers. This command is valid using v8.1.0 Release 2 dated 09/01/07+.” This new command works the same way as the AWAY command, so that a table/charge must be open when you want to print this. {printer}*RMINS-{message} Where: {printer} = The printer number you want to send the message to (just like with the starter command {message} = The message you want to send. So for example your button commands might be: 2*RMINS-Starters or 2*RMINSCoffees/ Teas

QUIT/SHUTDOWN Quits and shuts down the computer

XPRUN* {PROGRAM.EXE} – This allows to call another program from within THE

SOFTWARE. A good example would be XPRUN*osk.exe would call up an on screen keyboard as and when needed.

*PLUSPERCENTAGE Set up a button as XX*PLUSPERCENTAGE and use it at anytime during a sale, for example 10*PLUSPERCENTAGE. A limit of 99% on this function. Once this button is pressed any item in that Sale will have that % applied to it. Any further item added to that sale will also have this same % applied to it. Once a % has been applied another % may not be applied, a warning message will indicate this should it be tried.

APPORTION DISCOUNT This allows you to take an amount of a sale total and it will apportion the amount of discount against each item based on the percentage that item is to the total sale. So if you have a 1.00 off a 2.00 sale and you have two 1.00 items , it will take 0.50 off each item Price Change/w For price changes to weighed items. This works just like the normal price change but changes the price per unit instead.


“QTY CHANGE“ This will work in the same way as our “PRICE CHANGE” does. Select from list adjust the QTY and there you go .. It will apply any discounts and whatever that the original line has, but does not multiply that discount. So if you have $10 off on the line and increase the QTY you will still have only $10 off.

“x*POST CHARGES” Where x is the charge number that will be posted to the next available sheet in that charge . Put x in the text area under the sales screen ( where x is the sheet number you want to post to ) and it will post any transaction to that charge sheet.

“SYNCRONISEDATA” If you have the back office option set to YES for the following option in the back office settings this button function will copy certain files from the Poswise server to the local machine.

“ENABLESCANNER” When using an OPOS scanner we have had instances where the scanner just stops working for no apparent reason. For this reason we have set up this button function. Just press this button to see if the scanner comes back to life. If not try the function

“RESETSCANNER”. Please also contact your scanner supplier to see if they have an idea why the scanner might do this. Signing on and off an operator can also wake up an OPOS scanner

“RESETSCANNER” Use this button function if the above does not work. This resets all the OPOS settings you have set for your scanner

“SPLIT BILL X” Use this button function to split a charge sheet by fractions as well as whole numbers

Price Change/L This brings up a window of all items sold and allows you to pick the item you want to change the price on.

New commands

SELLGIFTCARD - This will launch the gift card program to sell a gift card