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Customer Purchase Notifications by SMS

On initial set up of your Prestashop system, customers are set to receive notifications about their purchases by email.

If for any reason this is not working properly or is too inefficient for your liking, you have the option to send them an SMS instead.

This is done by:

  • Download and install Presta SMS via this link: and follow the steps.
  • Use the Prestashop admin login to click on Presta SMS
  • Click on Settings and then Customer SMS
  • Click on the desired payment status and customise the text to your desired message
  • This will send out that message when the order status changes to the status that just modified.

Another option is after installing Presta SMS to open the order information screen you will be able to see the Presta SMS module here and can use it to send a customised message to that customer.

start/add_ons/prestashop/customer_notifcation_by_sms.1587362610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/20 16:03 by Kane